I am questioning my dad about his parents.

Lola: What are your parents names?

My Dad: Bob and Brenda.

Lola: When were they born?

My Dad: 1943 and 1945.

Lola: How did they meet?

My Dad: They met through a college seminar.

Lola: How many years have they been together?

My Dad: Fifty three.

Lola: What is their favorite type of food?

My Dad: Italian food.

Lola: Did they have ay siblings growing up?

My Dad: Yes. My mom had 12  brothers and sisters and my dad had one brother.

Lola: How tall are they?

My Dad: My dad is 6’3 and my mom is 5’0.

Lola: Were they born in the U.S?

My Dad: Yes.

Lola: What is their occupation?

My Dad: They own a bed and breakfast.

Lola: Finally, how did they shape you  into the person you are today?

My Dad: They taught me to work hard and be independent in life.

At the time my grandparents were growing up, the Cold War was going on.
